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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Oracle Upgrade Overview

1. Check the current version of the database

>sudo su -  ora<SID>
 >sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> select comp_id, version, status from dba_registry;

2. Check OS requirements

Note: The OS requirements can be found in metalink note 169706.1
For the PA-RISK B11.11 or Itanium B11.23

#uname –a

/usr/sbin/swlist |grep –i PG

3. Check OS kernel settings

Check kernel settings in Unix via command: /usr/sbin/kmtune
Check Kernel settings in SAP.  Logon to SAP -> Transaction SM51 -> Remote logon to the central instance -> launch transaction OS06 -> Detail analysis menu -> System configuration

4. Check JDK Java SDK is installed

sudo su –
/opt/java1.4/bin/java –version

5. Disk space requirements

You need to check if the following filesystems are already available. This can only be the case when an already upgraded database is running on the same server. If they are not available you have to request them.
/oracle/stage/102_64           3GB
/oracle/client/10x_64             200MB

You need to request the following new filesystem:
/oracle/<DBSID>/102_64     8 GB  

Use the Service Desk standard template “UNIX – LVM/Filesystem/NFS (SLA)” to get the required filesystems created

6. Populate stage directory with Oracle binaries

***Note: ITSS will be doing this step until the end***

Make sure that /oracle/stage/102_64 filesystem exists with the size of at least 3GB.

Cleanup the filesystem before populating:
# sesu –
# rm –rf /oracle/stage/102_64

Run the following command to populate the stage directory with the Oracle 10202 binaries:
# sesu -# swinstall –x mount_all_filesystems=false \
-x allow_multiple_versions=true \
-s bdhm:/var/opt/sapsoe_arch/depot SAP_ORASTAGE_10202_HP64:/oracle/stage/102_64

Note: The swinstall command will take about 20 min to finish depending on the speed of file transfer (other regions aside from NA may be longer e.g. in Asia it takes about 2-3 hours to finish). So you can leave your terminal open and get back later to check if the command is done. You may proceed to the next steps using another telnet session.

Note: Make sure that your terminal is not interrupted while the swinstall command is still running and the command shows successful when it finishes.

7. Check oraInventory

Check the location of oraInventory.

cat /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc

By default, oraInventory is located in /oracle/oraInventory, however, in some cases oraInventory is stored somewhere else e.g. /oracle/<SID>/920_64/oraInventory. Make sure that this oraInventory folder has at least 300 MB of space. If the current oraInventory folder doesn’t have this enough space, you may need to either do the following:

      A.     Request UIT to increase the filesystem
  • Use ServiceDesk ticket to request UIT


      B.     Move the directory to another location
  • e.g. as root, move /oracle/oraInventory to /oracle/<SID>/920_64/oraInventory
# cp –R –p /oracle/oraInventory /oracle/<SID>/920_64/
# chmod 775 /oracle
# chmod 775 /oracle/<SID>
# chmod 775 /oracle/<SID>/920_64
# chmod –R 775 /oracle/<SID>/920_64/oraInventory
# vi /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc and modify inventory_loc to reflect the new location


Note: In some cases, the one referred to by inventory_loc is a soflink.
e.g. in ST1:

bdhp4245:ai5134 15> ll /oracle/oraInventory
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  sys  25 Aug  2  2004 /oracle/oraInventory -> /oracle/NP6/oraInventory/

You need to remove the softlink and adjust the /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc file to reflect the correct location.

Note: If you have moved the oraInventory to another location, you also have move the oui and jre directories to the same location.
  • e.g. if orainventory is located originally at /oracle/oraInventory and you want to move it to /oracle/<SID>/920_64/oraInventory, then you have to be the user root, and move /oracle/oui to /oracle/<SID>/920_64/oui and /oracle/jre to /oracle/<SID>/920_64/jre
# cp –R –p /oracle/oui /oracle/<SID>/920_64
# cp –R –p /oracle/jre /oracle/<SID>/920_64

8. Backup the Oracle inventory (only if it was found in the steps above)

As a precaution, TAR up the current Oracle Inventory to another location on the server with approximately 20 MB free disk space.

# tar –cvf  /oracle/<SID/Inventorybackup.tar  /oracle/oraInventory

Checking the correct UNIX users, groups and activezation

Check that ora<sid> has write permission in /oracle

#sesu – ora<sid>
#touch /oracle/write_test
#rm /oracle/write_test

In case that doesn’t work:

#sesu –
#chgrp dba /oracle
#chmod 775 /oracle

Check that ora<sid> has write permission in /oracle/admin (only in case more instances are running on the same server, you may need to verify that ora<SID> has write permission on /oracle/admin

#cd /oracle
drwxrwxr-x   3 oraINT     dba             96 Jul 31 10:41 admin

Check umask
#sesu – ora<sid>

Running the pre-upgrade script

This tool provides information on the existing pre-upgrade database. It also suggests any changes that need to be made before the upgrade is started

#sesu – ora<sid>
sqlplus /nolog
SQL>connect / as sysdba
SQL>spool /oracle/<SID>/pre_upgrade.log
Oracle Database 10.2 Upgrade Information Utility    07-26-2006 13:34:18
à name:       INT
à version:
à compatible:
à blocksize:  8192
Logfiles: [make adjustments in the current environment]
i.  Ã The existing log files are adequate. No changes are required.
Tablespaces: [make adjustments in the current environment]
i.  Ã SYSTEM tablespace is adequate for the upgrade.                  
.... minimum required size: 694 MB
Update Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.2 init.ora or spfile]
WARNING: Ã  “java_pool_size” needs to be increased to at least 67108864
WARNING: Ã  “streams_pool_size” is not currently defined and needs a value of
at least 50331648
WARNING: Ã  “large_pool_size” needs to be increased to at least 8388608
WARNING: Ã  “session_max_open_files” needs to be increased to at least 20
Renamed Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.2 init.ora or spfile]
i.  No renamed parameters found. No changes are required.
Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters: [Update Oracle Database 10.2 init.ora or spfile]
à “hash_join_enabled”
à “transaction_auditing”
à “log_archive_start”
à “enqueue_resources”
Components: [The following database components will be upgraded or installed]
à Oracle Catalog Views         [upgrade]  VALID
à Oracle Packages and Types    [upgrade]  VALID
Miscellaneous Warnings
WARNING: Ã  Passwords exist in some database links.
.... Passwords will be encrypted during the upgrade.
.... Downgrade of database links with passwords is not supported.
WARNING: Ã  Deprecated CONNECT role granted to some user/roles.
.... CONNECT role after upgrade has only CREATE SESSION privilege.
WARNING: Ã  Database contains stale optimizer statistics.
.... Refer to the 10g Upgrade Guide for instructions to update
.... statistics prior to upgrading the database.
.... Component Schemas with stale statistics:
....   SYS
WARNING: Ã  Database contains INVALID objects prior to upgrade.
.... USER SAPR3 has 229 INVALID objects.
SYSAUX Tablespace:
[Create tablespace in the Oracle Database 10.2 environment]
i.  Ã New “SYSAUX” tablespace
.... minimum required size for database upgrade: 500 MB

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL>spool off

Check the result by looking at the logfile /oracle/<SID>/pre_upgrade.log

*** Make the changes listed in the pre_upgrade.log file, otherwise you might have problems during the upgrade ***

Note: The required parameter changes will be done later in step #205 so there is no separate downtime required to adjust those.
Note: Obsolete/Deprecated Parameters will be removed later during oracle upgrade via DBUA
Note: the freespace check for the system tablespace is not reliable, you have to perform that later as described in step #95
Note: The parameter streams_pool_size cannot be set on an Oracle 9 system it will be changed by the DBUA.
Note: The stale optimizer statistics will be updated during the downtime in step #210
Note: SYSAUX tablespace will be created during upgrade in step #245

Checking the prerequisites for the Oracle Universal Installer

You must run the following script to check the prerequisites for the Oracle Installer:

#sesu – ora<sid>
#cd /oracle/stage/102_64/database/Disk1/
#./runInstaller –executeSysPrereqs

Starting Oracle Universal Installer...
Checking installer requirements...
Checking operating system version: must be B.11.23 or B.11.11.    Actual B.11.11
All installer requirements met.
Preparing to launch Oracle Universal Installer from /oracle/INT/920_64/tmp/OraIn
stall2006-07-26_01-26-40PM. Please wait ...
DISPLAY not set. Please set the DISPLAY and try again.

If the OUI complains that the OS version is not certified or supported you can ignore that.
The information that DISPLAY is not set can be ignored in this check.
*** If the OUI reports missing OS patches you need to make sure that those are applied before you continue! -> Go back to step 015 of this documentation!

Check the temporary tablespace

The database upgrade assistant (DBUA) will report an error in case the temporary tablespace is still dictionary managed if it’s content is defined as TEMPORARY. In case the Content is PERMANENT there should be no issue, so no action needed.

Run the following command for verification:

#sesu – ora<sid>
#sqlplus “/ as sysdba”

select tablespace_name, status, contents, extent_management
from dba_tablespaces
where tablespace_name =’PSAPTEMP’;

if you receive output like bellow, you have to recreate it as temporary LMT tablespace with Uniform extent allocation:

 ----------------------------------- ------------ -------------------- --------------------------
PSAPTEMP                        ONLINE      TEMPORARY     DICTIONARY

The extent_management=’DICTIONARY’  indicates that it is a dictionary-managed tablespace. In this case you have to:

Create/Recreate Locally managed temporary tablespace PSAPTEMP
1.)     Create a new PSAPTEMP2 (tablespace_content=temp; locally managed, uniform allocation, extent size 1MB) – use BRTools, option 2 , than option 3 and set tablespace_content to temp. Other values are set by default
2.)     Change all users in the database to use PSAPTEMP2 instead of PSAPTEMP as temporary tablespace
You will be prompted to change temporary tablespace for SAP users within creation of temporary tablespace procedure in BRTools, but to check it on oracle leavel you can execute:
sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
select ‘alter user ‘||username||’ temporary tablespace PSAPTEMP2;’ from dba_users where temporary_tablespace=’PSAPTEMP’;
This statement will create all “alter user” statements for changing temporary tablespace for users that have it set to PSAPTEMP that can be executed as sysdba directly on the database via SQLPLUS.
3.)     Drop tablespace PSAPTEMP and re-create it (tablespace_content=temp; locally managed) – Drop PSAPTEMP with BRTools. You will see during dropping of tablespace original size of PSAPTEMP. Note this value and create PSAPTEMP with the same size. To create PSAPTEMP in a proper way and avoid issues with “sparse files”, follow the CBA “Creating locally managed PSAPTEMP tablespace CBA – V1.doc”
4.)     Point all DB users back to use PSAPTEMP  as temporary tablespace
You will be prompted to change temporary tablespace for SAP users within creation of temporary tablespace procedure in BRTools, but to check it on oracle leavel you can execute:
sqlplus “/ as sysdba”
select ‘alter user ‘||username||’ temporary tablespace PSAPTEMP;’ from dba_users where temporary_tablespace=’PSAPTEMP2’;
This statement will create all “alter user” statements for changing temporary tablespace that can be executed as sysdba directly on the database.
5.)     Drop PSAPTEMP2 – use BRTools

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