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Monday, November 14, 2016

SAP Basis Monitoring Checklist


ST01 is the system trace, we can see the

1) Authorization check: -If this switch is activated, all access authorizations that the system performs are recorded. The resulting report shows when the system checked what authorization.
Double-click on a trace record to get the following information:
  • Date, time
  • Work process number
  • User
  • Authorization object
  • Result (0, if authorization was given)
  • Program, line
  • Number of authorization values

The authorization values are then listed.

2) Kernal Functions: -Trace Switch: Calls from C Modules

Calls of kernel function.
Some kernel functions write this trace.

3) General Kernel: - Trace switch: Unformatted entries from C programs

4) DB Access SQL Trace: - Trace switch: "Actual" database accesses
This trace switch concerns the interface between the platform-independent parts of the database access module and the platform-dependent parts.
Here you can see what RSDB could not achieve via SAP buffers.

5) Table Buffer Trace : - Trace switch: Buffered tables
6) RFC calls :- Trace switch: RFC calls
7) Lock operations: - Trace switch: Enqueue calls

Depending upon the requirement we need to switch on the trace and after specific time switch off the trace. If you keep on the trace, the trace files may grow unlimitedly there by disk overflow may occur.


ü  Buffers are need to monitor regularly, in maintaining buffers in the application servers improves the performance of the system.
ü  During restart the system the performance will be low because the buffers are cleaned during restart. That is reason the system perform need to monitor after the buffer accumulation.
ü  The various types of buffers like Name Tab, Program Buffers, CUA, CalendarBuffers, Table Buffers, and Screen Buffer each of the areas are assigned with certain instance profiles.
ü  There is also a column called Swaps, which is critical. If there is more number of SWAPS, you need to identify the reason.

ü  The reasons for Buffer Swaps are
o    If there is no memory
o    if there is no directories
ü  Based on the SWAP allowable limit you need to change the size of the buffers. While changes the buffer sizes keep in ‘KIV’, buffers sizes should be allowable in the total memory.
ü  You can identify all existing parameters in the current parameters. There is a memory column which shows the amount of memories utilizes in the system.
Various memories are
o    Heap memory
o    Extended memory
We have to see that system doesn’t use complete heap memory and extended memory.

By clicking detailed analysis we can see the following figure
-It will display

Ø  Also gives detail of SAP memory, roll area, paging area, extend, heap memory
Ø  Types of buffering:
Ø  Full buffering
Ø  Single record buffering
Ø  Generic record buffering
Ø  No buffering
Ø  Improve buffer hit ratio (>94%)
Ø  Check buffer utilization.
Ø  Improve buffer utilization by increasing buffer size (ABAP/buffer size) thro RZ10.
Ø  Maximum allowable limit for swaps are recommended by SAP is 5000 to 10000.if it is more than 20000 then increase buffer size.


ü  The load analysis of the system will be monitor in t-code ST03.
ü  Go to Expert mode- select day, weak or month load.
ü  The amount of time consumed by individual components like roll time, wait time, CPU time, DB time … etc. will be displayed for each user, transaction, programs and fro each processes. Average is also displayed for the above components.
ü  Good response time of a dialog step will be in between 600 m.sec to 1800 m.sec.
ü  Roll-in time and roll-out time should be more than 10% of the response time.
ü  Load time, CPU, DB times should be more than 40% of (RT – WT)
ü  If CPU time is more, look into ABAP programs

Response time per dialog step:
The response time of a dialog step is the time required for requesting the dialog from the dispatcher work process to the processing of the dialog through the ending of the dialog in the dispatcher and the transfer of the data to the Presentation Server.

This also includes the time used for "Roundtrips" to transfer data from the SAP R/3 front-end to the application server and back. This time is recorded as roll wait time on the application server, while it is displayed as GUI time on the front-end. For inefficient networks, such as WAN connections, this time can contribute significantly to the response time, although it uses no resources on the application server, as the context is rolled out and the work process is released.
The response time is usually split into wait time and "dispatched" time. The SAP response time is made up of the following components:
+ Load times for programs, screens, and GUI interfaces
+ Roll times for rolling in work data
+ ABAP processing times
+ Database time
+ Enqueue time for logical SAP locks
+ Roll wait time (not including task types RFC/CPIC/ALE).
The CPU time is not an additive component of the response time, but rather the sum of the CPU time used by the individual components. The CPU time is an independent additional piece of response time information.


Here we can see Buffer busy waits, file system requests, wait events, sap client, Oracle session, SQL request, table access, exclusive lock waits, latch waits, Database message log, state on disk, parameter changes, performance database, summary report
Db cache should be greater than 98%
User/recursive calls less than 5
Reads/user calls greater than 40
Buffer busy waits.
Ø  D/b monitor.
Ø  Used to monitor the performance of database.
Ø  Database Buffer Hit Ratio should be >94%.
Ø  When it is < than 94% the data is fetched directly from the d/b. So this affects the performance of the system.
Ø  Hit ratio = [(Logical read-physical read)/Logical read]*100.


 -> Here we can trace SQL, Enqueue, RFC, Buffer traces
-> With this transaction you can switch different traces on or off, output trace logs in a list, display further information about the logged statement (such as an SQL statement),and create the execution plan for an SQL statement.
-> You can also create, save, and study the performance of SQL statements. For information on other functions, see the documentation (see below). You can gain an overview of the available functions from the menu entries.
-> By choosing Help -> Help on statement you can display the documentation on the SAP R/3 System trace.
-> If you would like to receive messages during the evaluation of the performance trace (for example, a progress display for the trace record formatting), enter the command "MESSAGE" in the OK code field. You can terminate the performance trace after 5000 records have been formatted by entering "CHECK" in the OK code field. You can reset these settings by entering "RESET" in the OK code field.


Here we can see
Ø  -O/s monitoring.
§  Check CPU idle time memory, swap
§  Disk with highest response time.
§  Check CPU, Memory, Swap, DISK, LAN.
§  Used to comparing with previous days or previous hours.
§  CPU idle time >= 30%.
§  If it is low it indicates that load on the system is high.
§  Analyze and reduce the load.
§  Gives statistical information from the O/S.
§  Detailed analysis can be performed.
§  Restrict the consuming of high CPU resources.

Ø  Number of CPUs in the system
Ø  CPU load average for the last 1 minute
Ø  CPU load average for the last 5 minutes
Ø  CPU load average for the last 15 minutes
Ø  Physical memory available
Ø  Physical memory free space
Ø  Number of pages, paged in and out per second.
Ø  Maximum swap size (by file system swap: freespace include)
Ø  Actual size of total swap in KB
Ø  Response time of the disk
Ø  Disk with highest response time
·               Name
·               Utilization
·               Avg wait time per m.s
·               Kb transferred per sec
Ø  Here we can start and stop saposcol

The operating system collector SAPOSCOL is a stand-alone program that runs in the operating system background. It runs independently of SAP instances exactly once per monitored host. SAPOSCOL collects data about operating system resources, including:
Ø  Usage of virtual and physical memory
Ø  CPU utilization
Ø  Utilization of physical disks and file systems
Ø  Resource usage of running processes


Ø  Number of users of an SAP application
Ø  Number of active users of an SAP application
Ø  Number of users connected to one work process
Ø  average number of sessions per user
Ø  Number of servers on which an SAP application is running
Ø  Here we can see all the above information for a particular client also.
By Click on Userdistribution – change client
Ø  And also for particular application server.
By Click on Userdistribution –
Ø  Here we can see particular module of sap buffer, DB access, DB memory
Ø  We can view Response time of previous days, previous week, this month, previous month.


Here we can see where the tables buffered in not buffered, single key buffered, generic key buffered.


Ø  Developer traces contain technical information for use in the event of problems with your system. Using the entries in the developer traces requires a sophisticated knowledge of the host systems in which your SAP system is running and of the SAP system itself.
Ø  The traces can be useful in diagnosing host system and SAP-internal problems that are affecting your SAP system.
Ø  Developer traces are written in files in the work directory of the SAP application server that generated the trace.

Component                                                       File Name
Dispatcher                                                        dev_disp
Workprocess                                                    dev_w0 to wn
Gateway                                                          dev_rd
R3trans and tp transport programs                     dev_tp
Monitoring infrastructure (test mode only)           dev_moni
Activating / Deactivating Developer Traces from within SAP System:
Enter transaction code SM50.
Choose the work process in which you wish to increase the trace level.
To trace all work processes of a server, use the system profile method shown below.
Choose Process ® Trace ® Active components.
The system presents a dialog screen that shows the current status of the developer trace.
Turn developer tracing on and off for different server components by selecting the appropriate checkboxes.
Set the degree of detail by entering a number in the Level field. Possible trace levels are as follows:
– 0: no trace.
– 1: write error messages in the trace file.
– 2: full trace. The trace entries that are actually written can vary with the SAP program that is being traced.
- 3: additionally, trace data blocks.

You can also set trace options instance-wide with the rdisp/TRACE=<n> option. The trace values are the same as those in the list above.


The runtime errors of the system will be logged in dump analysis. Whenever there is programmatically error [or] reports exceeds maximum for time execution, table space overflow, max extents reached will be logged into the screen.
(1)   What happened?
(2)   What can we do?
(3)   Error analysis?
(4)   How to correct the error?
(5)   System environment.
(6)     Information on where terminated?
Analysis the requirement to run that Program/report and run the program again.

Try to debug the problem with the help of error message get assistance from seniors. Search SAP market place the problem still persists log a message to SAP.
License with SAP and try to get the solution and implement it. If necessary we will follow the landscape for applying the recommended notes.


 Oracle: Waiting for exclusive database locks (exclusive lock waits)

An exclusive database lock is set when a user locks a table record. If a
second user tries to process this record, he or she must wait until the
first user releases it. This situation is an 'exclusive lock wait'. This
monitor shows such wait situations. You can display an overview of all
database locks (V$Lock) by choosing 'V$Lock'.

The fields are:
  Object                        : Name of the locked table
              for lock holder and lock waiter:
  SID     : Oracle session ID
  SPID  : Oracle shadow process ID (at operating system level)
  Client host: Name of the host on which the R/3 work process is running
  PID     : R/3 work process ID (at operating system level)
  Level  : Level > 1: Lock holder is waiting for another lock
  Time   :  Time (in seconds) since a lock was set or wait time
  Row ID: Oracle row ID of the locked record

Level = 1 : Lock Situation detected
Level > 1 : Lock Holder is waiting on one or more Locks itself
Level = -1: Deadlocks detected


In this transaction we can see

Database and Tablespaces
Ø  Date and time of the last analysis
Ø  Total number of tablespaces in the database
Ø  Total size of all tablespaces in KB
Ø  Free space in all tablespaces in KB
Ø  Used space of all tablespaces as a percentage
Ø  Free size of the tablespace with the lowest amount of free space in KB
Ø  Used space of the tablespace with the highest fill ratio as a percentage
Ø  Current size
Ø  Space statistics
Ø  Free space statistics
Ø  D/b size should not above 90%

Tables and Indexes
Ø  Date and time of the last analysis
Ø  Total number of tables defined in the database
Ø  Total amount of used space of all tables defined in the database
Ø  Total amount of used space of all indexes defined in the database
Ø  Total amount of used space of all indexes defined in the database
Ø  Date and time of the oldest execution of RUNSTATS using program dmdb6srp
Ø  Date and time of the latest execution of RUNSTATS using program dmdb6srp
Ø  Detailed analysis on tables and indexes
Ø  Missing Indexes
Ø  Space critical objects
Ø  Space statistics

We can see in this transaction


Ø  Last unsuccessful backup ( time, date, and with return code)
Ø  Last successful backup
Ø  Overview of database backups


Ø  Archiving directory statistics ( free space)
Ø  Overview of redo log files
Ø  Overview of redo log backups

Report: RSORA850
You can use this program to display BRBACKUP and BRARCHIVE logs (Database backup and archive of redo log files).


Ø  You can use the DBA Planning Calendar to automate Oracle database administration. This includes implementing, executing, and checking actions
Ø  You can use the DBA Planning Calendar for almost all regular database administration actions. This includes tasks for which the Oracle database system must be stopped, such as offline backups.
Ø  You can only use the DBA Planning Calendar to start actions if the R/3 System is up and running. You can use the BRtools or SAPDBA to execute tasks such as recovery, for which the SAP System must be inactive.
Ø  All DBA activities that stop the database, such as offline backups, will terminate active SAP transactions. Schedule such activities for night runs, and warn users of the interruption using utilities – system messages
Ø  In all such tasks, the DBA Planning Calendar stops the database and starts the action automatically. The SAP System is not available as long as the database is stopped. However, the SAP System itself is not stopped. Once the database is available again, the SAP System is automatically reconnected.

DB14: -   Display DBA Operation log for Database

 In this transaction we can see


      SAPDBA(sapdba operations)
Ø  SAPDBA Detail log for DATABASE

BRCONNCET(brconnect operations)
Ø  Number of Tables Without Statistics:
Ø  Number of Indexes Without Statistics:
Ø  Number of Tables Whose Statistics Were Deleted:
Ø  Number of Indexes Whose Statistics Were Deleted:
Ø  Number of Tables Whose Statistics Were Checked:
Ø  Number of Tables Selected After Check:
Ø  Number of Tables for Which Statistics Were Collected:
Ø  Number of Indexes for Which Statistics Were Collected:
Ø  Number of Indexes Whose Structure Was Checked:


       BRBACKUP(Database backups)
Ø  BRBACKUP action log of database instance
Ø  BRBACKUP detail log of database instance
BRARCHIVE(Redo log Backups)
Ø  BRARCHIVE action log of database instance
Ø  BRARCHIVE detail log of database instance


Ø  Other Operations
Ø  Non-SAP Data Archiving
Ø  All Operations
Ø  All Function IDs:


Here we can
Ø  Create statistics of table                       
Ø  Delete statistics of table
Ø  Check structure of table
Ø  DBSTATC Maintenance
Ø  DBA Operations(transaction DB14)
Ø  Start Global Statistics Operation:
  Update                                                     Step 1: Delete Harmful Statistics
                                                                 Step 2: Check and Update
                                                                  and Generate Initial Statistics.
                                                                                  All steps are executed in accordance with the
                                                                                  settings in table DBSTATC.

Update(DBSTATC)                                      Check and Update Statistics
                                                                                  of DBSTATC objects.
                                                                                  If the TODO indicator is set, the statistics for
                                                                                  the table are updated without a check.

Create missing statistics                                 Creates statistics for tables that should
                                                                                  have statistics, but do not.

Delete Harmful statistics                                Deletes statistics for tables that should not
                                                                                 have statistics, but which do have some, such
                                                                                 as pool and cluster tables.

DB24:- Logs for Administrative Database Operations

Here we can do
Ø  All complete logs or jobs.
Ø  Displays optimizing statistics.
Ø  Update statistics.
Ø  Backup logs.
Ø  Reorganization
Ø  Consistency check

*SM51:-  Application overview

                        -It will displays             
Server name
Host name
            -Status may be

(a) Starting : Application server are being started. They cannot process any request yet.
(b) Initial: The server has logged on to Message server but cannot be addressed yet.
                        (c) Active: Processing the request.
(d) Passive: Application server will be deactivated; it will complete the   processing of task but    
     will not accept any new tasks.
                        (e) Shutdown: Server is being shutdown.
                        (f) Stop: Server has no connection with the message server.      

What we should do?     
  • Check the status
  • Which client, user, Report and action on  the user worked on work process
  • Reasons for the status of work process hold, stopped, running, wait; start(y or n)
  • Check the no. of servers
  • If it is stopped click on the release notes to find Operating system, Database and Kernel Version.
  • Double click on the server  it will display  SM50

*SM50:- Workprocess overview

-It will displays
Type of w/p
Reason start
CPU time
W/p status may be,
-Runnig, Waiting, Holding, Terminated

W/p Type may be

What we should do?
§  Check Yes/No i.e. Restarted or not Restarted
§  Check the error how many times a W/p terminated abnormally
§  If all the W/p running stage identified the W/p which is consuming more time (Monitor the work process at O/s level using Dpmon
§  Go task manager and the PID kill the process.
§  Identify work proces which is consuming more heap memory in sm66 and inform the user before terminating workprocess. Every action will be done through CRF(change request form) or notification to the user will be using the t-codes

SM66 : - Global Active Workprocess Overview

-It will displays

Server name
Reason start
CPU time

What we should do?
                              -Double click on it to find the following details.
(a)Process start time
(b) Report/Program/Memory used
- Same like SM50, but display global active W/p overview.

SM04:-  Active User List

-It will displays

First name

                                    Type may be
                                                1. Communication User.
                                                2. System user  .
                                                3. Service user
                                                4. Dialog user
                                                5. Reference user
                           What we should do?
                                                -It shows active user
                                                -We can kill the user. (Click user then system àend user)
                                                -we can kill the user session or complete user session

*AL08: - Global Active Workprocess Overview

-It will displays
Active instance
No of active users
No of interact user
No of RFC user

Server name

                           What we should do?
                                                -Check the active user
                                                -Can’t kill user session

*SM21: - System logs

-It will displays

                                                -Select Date and time
                                                -run time problems are recorded
                           What we should do?
Ø  Check the text for getting the errors and problems
Ø  Double click on it
Ø  It will shows programatical errors
Ø  user locking, Table space overflow
Ø  Max extends reach
Ø  update inactive, enqueue can’t issue lock
Ø  W/p in priv mode
Ø  most of dumps, buffer over flow
Ø  all the d/b related errors, ex:- Ora 600, 1578, 1631,1632,1653,1654
Ø  we can see local and remote systems logs also
Ø  Here all system messages are recorded. Time, type of message, client, user and all information will be available here.
Ø  Here we can see local & remote system logs also
Ø  Detailed list by double clicking on the message

SM37: -  Monitoring the Backgroud Jobs

                                                                Select job name, user name and execute           

            -It will displays

Job created by
Start date
Start time

-          Status may be

1. Scheduled
2. Released
3. Ready
4. Active
5. Finished
6. Cancelled

                     What we should do?

-Select job and click job log
-it will show date, time, message text, class no, type, Error occurs and reason
-our job is to monitor jobs which are in cancelled status and     unsuccessfully finished job.

Steps to follow the reasons for background job is not running:

1.     Authorizations are not assign to the user to run the particular job
2.     File which is to be uploaded is not found
3.     We are running BDC program from flat file to Database if the file structure is difference then job is terminated.
4.     Table space overflow
5.     Maximum extends reached.

SM13: -  Monitoring the terminated records

            -It will displays
Shared Table
Lock argument

Status may be

(1) init : the record is waiting to be updated
(2).auto :when the update task is activated from inactive state then record will be updated automatically

(3).Run : processing
(4). Error: occurred that cause the request to be cancelled

            What we should do?

check the record which are terminated
check types of updates
update modes
v1-critical update,v2-non critical update             
synchronous :update d/b directly
asynchronous: update temporarily and then d/b

The following r the reasons to terminated
  • There are too many locks obtained by the users, the users are not getting the locks to update his request
  • Reaching the maximum size of table, which can be identified by analyzing the sytem lock and DB locks. One it is table size is fixed or auditing you need to restart the update process manually
  • If it is frequently caused programming error this an be identified in SM13 and inform the respective developer and the user.

SM14: - Update Administration

-it shows

Update/server/server group/parameter
Active/deactive  switch
            What we should do ?
v  check update is active or deactive
v  if it is inative explore the reasons for it
v  we can switch over between two, when error occurred in update process to make the d/b consistent
v  check syslog and SM21 to get the information of update process error, and inconsistency then deactive the update process by using parameter

RZ04: - Configuring Operation modes

Productive instances and their WP distribution                                                 
Host Name    Server Name          Instance Profile                                             
                             OP Mode              Dia  BP BPA Spo Upd Up2 Enq Sum              
                      Maintain operation modes (peak hours, off peak hours) for all the instances

            What we should do?

Ø  Check whether the switching of operation modes is performing or not
Ø  if it is not performing check SM21
Ø  We can switch manually the w/p (dialogue and b/g ) depends upon peak and non peak hours
Ø  go to SM63 and assign the time intervals for operation modes

RZ20:- CCMS Monitoring

-          used to configure the alert in the system
-          monitor set : group of relative alert into for monitoring
-          monitor element : this is an element under monitor sale which need to be monitoring
-          each element consist of a certain threshold value
-          value reach the threshold value alert will release
-          it will shows alert text
-          O/s monitoring R/3 monitoring, D/b monitoring are performed here.


SAP provides print mechanism by using spool process. Whenever the user request prints a document the dialog process handling the request and stores the data TemSe(Temproary sequential objects). TemSe is located either in database or in operating system(global directory), which will determine by the profile parameter rspo/storage_location values will be g or gb

Access methods:
            It defines the type of printing method used by R/3 system. Access method is specifies using protocol by three types:
  • Local printing
  • Remote printing
  • Front-end printing
Local Printing: spool server transfers the data directly to the host printer or the print manager. This is fastest printing is enable. C-windows L-Unix is the protocols are used.
Remote Printing: spool processor format the spool request data any spool request information (no. of authors, no. of copies) and generates output request to a different spooler. We use access method U-Unix; S-windows NT is the protocols will be used.
Front-end printing: user can print from request to printer directly

            It is one-way spool work processes are configured. It can be defined as either logical server or real spool server 1. real spool server
                               2. Logical spools server
Real spool workprocess contains R/3 spool workprocess
Logical spool servers do not exist but interm it’s pointed to real spool server. These are used to switch b/n real spool server for logon load balancing and in place of failover.
There are various statuses of spool requests like waiting, process, printing, problems, error, archievel
Various problems in spool request:
1. Devices not reached
2. Due to network failure
3. Printer problems
4. There is long queue at printer. If you are specified sequential processing while the max. No. of spool request in the system 32,000 or 99,000

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