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Saturday, November 12, 2016



•cat  > filename
      file will be created
•cat >> filename
     append contents to existing file.
•touch file1 file2
       no.of files will be created.
•rm filename
       file will be deleted.

•mkdir dir1 dir2
        no.of directories will be created.
•rmdir dir1 dir2
        no.of empty directories will be deleted
•rm –rf dir1
        it removes directories with contents.
        to change one directory to another directory
    to know present working directory.
•ps –ef
    to know all processes.
•kill pid
    to kill particular process.
•kill –9 pid
    to kill process forcefully.
•vi filename
    to edit file in vi.

•ls filename
    Lists all files and directories.
•ls –l
   it gives full information of files and directories.
•ls –a
   it displays hidden files
•ls –p
   shows difference b/w files and directories.
•ls –i
  Displys inode no of files and directories.

File permissions

We have two ways to assign permissions to files
          1. Numeric mode
          2. Symbolic mode

Numeric mode

•We assign numerics to permissions like
       read       4
       write      2
       execute  1
•chmod 777 filename/dirname
        assign full permissions to all users.
•chmod 666 filename/dirname
         it assigns read and write permissions to all users

•chgrp newgroupname file/directory
      it changes groupname for file or directory.
•chown newownername file/directory
     it changes owner for file or directory.
example; chown sidadm:sapsys newdir
Symbolic mode
     Here we assign symbols to users.
•    owner     u
•    group      g
•    others      o
•    all            a
•    read          r
•    write        w
•    execute     x
•    adding permissions        +
•    removing permissions    -

     To assign permissions
•    chmod ugo+rwx file/dir.
example chmod 755 newdir
      To remove permissions
•    chmod ugo-rwx file/dir.

Network communication

In hetrogenous and homogenous environment
•     telnet  ipaddress
          it connets to remote system
•      ftp  ipaddress
•      scp /dir  ipaddress:/dir
           it copies date from source system to target  system
•      ssh  ipaddress:mkdir /dir
           it executes commands in remote system.      

      Only in homogenous environment
•     rlogin ipaddress
•     rcp /dir  ipaddress:/dir
•     rsh ipaddress:rm /file

User commads

useradd –u uid –g gid –G gid –d  homedirecory –m –s sh username
           it adds user g for primary group
                              G for secondary group
                              d,m for  homedirecoty
                               s  for default shell
                               u  user id
su – username
          to swith from one user to another user.

Users monitoring

       displays all users who are currently logged in system.
•who am I
       displays detailed information about current logged in user.
       displays information about when system is lastly rebooted,who,time.
       information about current logged in user.

    it displays all filesystems with sizes
•df –h
    it displays all filesystems with human readable form.

Shutdown commands

•init 0      
      like shutdown
•init 1
      single user mode
•init 6
       like  reboot

To copy a file
            cp sourcefile targetfile
 To copy empty directory
            cp sourcedir targetdir
 To copy directory with all contents
            cp –r sourcedir targetdir
To move file/ rename file
            mv sourcefile targetfile
To move directory rename directory
            mv sourcdir targetdir          

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